James Rogers Home For Christmas
Colonnade-Ringold, Georgia
Dec. 18, 2014


What a WONDERFUL show and such a good time!!!
It was great seeing lots of you that evening!


James did his AWESOME Eagle Medley and John and Dale Stokes (from S.O.A.R) were there with
Atsa Yazhi a 23 Year old male Bald Eagle that lost a wing to poachers.

Eagle Medley

Dale Stokes with S.O.A.R.(Save Our American Raptors)

Dale Stokes

John Stokes

It's time for:

Moonlight, Romance and Roses


What a sweet and beautiful tribute!
James called Debbie to the stage and sang Moonlight, Romance and Roses to her for their 40th wedding anniversary
that was coming up on Dec.22!

(32.9 MB)

What a BEAUTIFUL and special couple!!

Happy Anniversary to both of you!

Much to James' surprise, SGT. Charles Doezema (Chuck) brought back a flag from Afghanistan
that had flown there on Memorial Day, in honor of James...and presented it to James.

(Click button for video clip 30.5 MB)

The very nicely framed flag all the way from Afghanistan to James Rogers.




James' brother and his wife-Doris and Johnny Rogers

Many of James' family members were there

So good to see James' Mother there.

Break time

SGT Charles Dozema and his wife, Lynda.


James' birthday and James and Debbie's anniversary was coming up on Monday, Dec. 22
so his friends, Chip Chapman (MC for the show),
called some of James' long time friends to the stage
to join them in leading us all in Happy Birthday to James!



(18 MB)

Click buttons for video clips of the birthday song and intro. I've broken it up into 2 parts for smaller file sizes.

(20.7 MB)


(Click button for video clip-79.9 MB)

You'll never find a more patriotic person nor anyone who loves and promotes our USA more than James Rogers.
At EVERY show he does, he recognizes and pays tribute to our Veterans!

(Click button for video clip-9.45 MB)


After the show:

Roy Shepherd with Brenda and Albert Fisher

Meet and Greet

James' cousin 'Pistol' and his wife Carolyn

Meet and greet

Ralph and Carolyn Shell

James with Albert and Brenda Fisher

James and Sgt. Chuck Doezema with framed flag.

Paul Martin and Doug Devries

If you were not able to make it to this show, you'll want to make plans to see it in Dec. 2015.
This is an annual event and we'll have all the details added to the Show Schedule just as soon as they are arranged!

I'm Looking forward to seeing all of you and MORE, next time!






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