James Rogers
Retires From Dollywood
Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012

(Given by Debbie Rogers and Dollywood...after 3rd and final show)

Part 2


I only have a few of your names in these pics.
So sorry too...but some of you told me your names, but I have lost my notes.
If you know any names of any of these folks, please send them to me.
I'll need to know which photo (count down from top) and which PAGE.
Thanks for any help with that!


Mike and Gwinna Prince






My family..Tori Beth (my grandaughter), Roy (my husband) and Becka (my daugher)
So very glad to have them here!



L-R: Jack and Gale Haggard, ?, Barbara Smith,
? Judy Turner, and ?


L-R: ?, Deborah Huff, Margie Marcotte, Skip and Donna Pate, and
Ms Bonnie...one of the usherettes that James has known and loved for ages.



Donna and Skip Pate




Marcia Long, ?, and Nancy Peltier




Sidney Reed


At right: Barbara Joins
(Former Dollywood Vice President) and husband


At right: John Stokes-President of Save Our American Raptors (SOR)


Brenda and Albert Fisher on left
(someone please send the other names)


The Merriam family


James and Debbie's best friends, Ralph and Carolyn Shell...with Kirk Thomas



Mary (Murh) Helsley..been knowing James FOREVER! ;-)


Don't know names for lady to left, nor the 2 on the right,
but center is Ferrell Winfree, Linda Dawson, Meshele Ladd,
and Pat Reed


Left: Sally Moorer /school teacher and author of "Fly Eagle Fly" and the new children's book about "Born To Be".
(Don't remember this other lady's name..if you know, please send to me)


Well, since I'm doing this project...I get to add MY GRANDDAUGHTER, Tori Beth..lol!


Brenda and Albert Fisher, Louis and Kay Pennington and Kay's Mom


My family and ME, with James.....a special part of all of our lives!
We LOVE you, James Rogers! ;-)


Roy Shepherd, James, Becka Shepherd, and Tori Beth Shepherd...my family
(yes..including JAMES!)



JAMES with Ronnie Loveday...a new friend I had the privilege of meeting.



If you have photos from the retirement reception
that you'd like
to share, please
send them in to me.
