

I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away
Dixie Land

In Dixie Land
Where I was born
Early on one frosty mornin
Look away, look away, look away
Dixie Land

Oh I wish I was in Dixie
Away, away
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away
Down In Dixie

Glory, glory Hallelujah
Glory, glory Hallelujah
Glory, glory Hallelujah
His truth is marching on

Hush little baby don't you cry
You know your daddys they're bound to die
But all, all our trials, Lord
Will soon be over

Two little boys
Had two little toys
Each one had a wooden horse
Together they would play
Each Summer day
Warriors both, of course

One little chap
Had a mishap
And he broke off his horse's head
He wept for his toy
Then he cried out for joy
When his little playmate said
"Did you think I would leave you crying?
There's room on my horse for two.
Climb on Joe, stop your crying
I can go just as fast with two.
Hey Joe, when we grow up we'll be soldiers

Our horses, they won't be toys
And I wonder if then,
You'll remember when
We were two little boys

Long years past
The war came so fast
One wearing blue
The other gray
The cannons thunder out
Through the mad crowd
Wounded now dying he lay
Up came a shout
And then a horse dashes out
Out through the ranks so blue
He galloped away
To the place where he lay
Then came the voice he knew
"Did you think I could leave you dieing?
There's room on my horse for two
Climb on Jim
Stop your crying
I can go just as fast with two
You say you can feel me tremble
But brother, maybe it's this battle noise
No I think it's cause I just
Remember when
We were two little boys
We were two little boys

And so tonight
Whether you're here from up North,
Down South, back East or out West
The most important thing to remember
Is that TOGETHER, we make up the greatest
country in the WHOLE world!

America, America
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good





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