What's NEW?

I know that when you go to a web site, you're usually wondering,
'Has anything changed??' and 'What's NEW?'
Here you will find the latest updates to our fan club website.
Hopefully, this will help to make the site more user friendly.

Check in often for the latest NEW pages, or information.

Just a note..
Sometimes when opening a web page that has lots of graphics, NEW material, or large image or sound files,
it may be necessary to refresh the page in order for all the images to load...especially with the newer systems.

If you see problems with viewing of our website, please EMAIL ME.
Thanks SO much to so MANY of you, for your support in my efforts to keep this site up and running.


James was at Dollywood this morning
to introduce Dolly for the grand opening
of Dollywood's 40th Anniversary and to kick off this season!!

Click image above to see it!!

(Just added 3-14-2025)


Here's a fabulous newspaper article just recently  
published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
You will not want to miss it!
Click image below:

(JUST ADDED-3/11/2025)





We now have a new show for 2025 on the
Schedule Page

Check it out by clicking link above!

Just added: JAN 13, 2025




We are working to get more products available for purchase at this website.
Please bear with us.

If you have something in mind that you'd like to order or ask about, please email me .

You can NOW purchase your personal FAVORITE James Rogers songs individually

James will explain it all on the new page we have just uploaded!!








You will LOVE reading all about James' INCREDIBLE experience attending the Medal Of Honor Presentation
at the White House with Captain Larry Taylor!!

Just click the above image link
(Just added 9-24-23)



Click here to sign up for our FREE "E-News"

BY THE WAY.. you will see ADVERTISEMENTS for various things on your E-newsletter when you receive it.
PLEASE forgive...those are NOT FROM ME, nor do they have ANYTHING to do with James Rogers or "Friends of James Rogers"!
They are a condition of having the newsletter as a FREE service from 'Bravenet'.
Thanks to all of you who have signed up already.
If you have questions..please let me know.
Any suggestions or comments are welcomed.


About E-News Subscriptions...Please note:
After you go through the initial subscription steps you will receive an EMAIL
with instructions that you must follow to CONFIRM your subscription.
Until you complete the process, you will be on a 'PENDING' list and will not receive the newsletters until your subscription is confirmed.

PENDING subscriptions that have been unconfirmed for more than 7 days
will be removed automatically (by BRAVENET, not by me)
to free up space on our mailing list when new subscribers are added.






If you haven't been able to find James' new Facebook Page, I've created a link here which will lead you there.

For questions or comments, please email me.




I want to especially THANK you all for your wonderful comments and kind words
about my work here, on our "Friends of James Rogers" website.
It is a pleasure and an honor for me, and as I told each one, I want it to be a fun thing for us all.
